Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Enhances its MRD Productivity by 150% using Rescribe Document Management Software


From Warehoused Papers to Digital records
The inclination towards creating 100% paperless clinical records grew rapidly when Deenanath Mangeshkar realised its MRD processes had slowed down heavily due to increasing issues with its existing document management solution. Some of their major areas of concern were – 

  • Increased time to retrieve clinical records for doctor’s use
  • Manual and error prone process of indexing clinical records 
  • Cumbersome process for records search and filtration needed for clinical research
  • Low software up-time and unreliable support 
  • Data corruption and loss of clinical data due to technical malfunctions

The hospital needed a new software with strong technology support and new age application to clear off daily issues arising due to slow file processing. It needed more automated processes, and advanced ways to eliminate physical barcode printing and data corruption.

The management at Deenanath Mangeshkar started a evaluation process and short-listed a few potential vendors. Mr. Tushar Kanade – Manager Systems at Deenanath Mangeshkar Pune, says “the hospital had previous experience with solutions that did not grow with the hospital’s need and so this time they scored prospects against criteria that included an upgraded path”.


High Volume Data Migration – 10+ Years of Data Migrated to Rescribe DocuPHI
Rescribe DocuPHI’s technology experts made the transition phase for the hospital management a smooth process. The easy and  quick migration of 10+ years of patient data from old system to Rescribe included-

  • Patient demographic information mapped to existing patient document
  • Large scale conversion of .TIF format files to PDF format documents
  • 100% patient data and document migrated with existing document type to Rescribe
  • 2.4 TB volume of patient data, which is nearly 9.3 Lakhs patients’ data, migrated

Better Integrations – For a Unified Data Repository
Rescribe Docuphi’s flexible integration with Deenanath Mangeshkar’s internal HIS expedited the transfer of patient information to/from these systems, and made the file access for consultants/billing/auditors/accountants/medi-claim less time consuming. Nearly 99% reduction in TAT for scanned files availability provided ease in execution of clinical workflows and also helped MRD personnel in pandemic situation of COVID-19 to manage their work digitally.

High Accuracy, Increased Precision and Productivity
No advanced training, expertise or special skill sets are needed to benefit from Rescribe’s cutting-edge technology which is designed from our years of specialised experience. Not just Rescribe’s latest technology but also its easy-to-use interface helped Deenanath Manageshkar to deploy even the less skilled staff to deliver outstanding numbers of processed files everyday. With this task made easier than ever before, Deenanath’s staff now processes –

  • more than 200+ IPD files daily
  • 150+ OPD files daily
  • nearly 300+ patient details files daily

Driving Productivity – Barcode Digitisation, More Cost Savings
Rescribe helped Deenanath completely discard the traditional high-cost approach of identifying and classifying documents using printed barcodes. With Rescribe’s software generated digital barcodes the hospital is now able to save several thousands that it earlier spent every year only on printing barcodes. These digital barcodes are used as document identifiers to automatically separate one document from another and index both appropriately. This proved to be a much faster way, that added extra efficiency to the hospital’s new paperless work structure.

Smart Automation – True Value Added
The power of the Rescribe platform enabled Deenanath Mangeshkar’s MRD workflows to be automated by intelligently indexing data with minimal human intervention. With Rescribe’s smart automations, any MRD user can now easily index files from any available workstation in the MRD department, unlike its previous software. To make the document management process more effective, it implemented the functionality that automatically identifies any corrupt file and moves it to the exception folder, thereby, completely eliminating the obstruction generated due to corrupt data. 

Improved Security and Accountability of Sensitive Patient Information
Deenanath Mangeshkar is now also able to track every file-activity history end-to-end in Rescribe’s DMS. The system holds records of user-wise activity on files, duration of file views against every user, no. of times files are accessed, file access rights against medical staff, and more. Manual errors are also now easily traceable at any stage of MRD file processing at single click.

With Rescribe’s support and commitment to excellence, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital is now able to focus on its core competencies to deliver greater satisfaction and high standard care to its patients.


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